Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Overcoming the 'woo'

Recently, I caught myself looking into organics, herbal, crystals and kombucha. I had to step back and realize I am getting myself into the 'woo'. My scientific mind doesn't want to compute but, my body started to crave natural whole foods, living a zen life, meditation.

Yeah, I feel better but, there's no way I should fall myself to the 'woo'. What's a woo? It's basically a short term for pseudoscience and also applies to other terms such as homeopathy, energy vibrations, crystal healing, organics, etc. To get myself back on track, I blocked myself from reading up on it. It's a little harder with having an education in Archaeology because a lot of the 'woo' stuff gets superimposed into archaeological debates. It's time for me to learn which ideas are solid, needs to be investigated or pass it off as woo. I will no longer debate people about ancient history because it is my forte. If people believe aliens built the pyramids, I'll just smile and nod then say "you're talking to an archaeologist". It's like telling a doctor about how homeopathy is better than today's medicines. It just doesn't make sense in my head.

I will however set up a meditation spot in my house as I am currently struggling with personal stress and am tired of being irritable. I recently discovered the main cause and that is set for another time.

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