Thursday, March 17, 2016

Blogging Blunders

I've committed an eternal sin which is not blogging. I've lost interest mostly due to the real world tacking on more responsibilities on me. I've got a full time job, vacations to plan, exercising, focusing on weight loss and still no clue what I want to do career wise. I have yet to find my calling and still I am desperate to figure out what I should do in my life.

I can't complain much because my life so far is decent, but the existential crisis is strong. I'm barely 30 years old and am sick and tired of having so many ideas and no time to start them off. I don't want to stay stuck with regrets so I will say "fuck it, I'll finish what I started." I honestly don't think blogging/tweeting/snapchatting/vloggin, etc is for me even though it's a great way for me to vent and rant. As of this moment, I will put this blog to a pause and figure out how I can make my life better. Until then, stay classy.

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