Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer Update 1

This will be a long update since Spring Break so I will cut off the details. After a lengthy process I was able to have the field school paid by my school, but I owe the school back for it. Since I couldn't get a co-signer, that means I have to use my financial aid to pay it off...not the best option for me, but it has to be done I guess.

Also, I got accepted for my research topic in which I already used the first portion to pay for travel. I hope the second check comes back in time because if it does not, I will be truly upset and have no money when I arrive in Menorca (plus a looong wait). Here's hoping things run smoothly the next two weeks. On that topic I already ordered the Human Osteology Lab and Field Manual for cheap (used books). The Manual will be a great help to me and I will use that towards my research topic. I was given a list of items I can take with me which are:
  • Camera
  • Swimsuit
  • Beach Towel
  • slippers
  • old clothes
  • stationary: pens, pencils, paper, USB flash drives
  • Laptops/netbooks
  • money
  • excavation gear: hat, gloves, knee pads
  • other: toiletries, mosquito repellent, sunblock
So far I have everything I need except a beach towel, excavation gear and mosquito repellent/sunblock. Don't think I'll need the mosquito repellent because I attract them even if I have it on. :( Learned it the hard way in the Dominican Republic.

As I wait two more weeks until Spain, I am spending time with my daughter. She is becoming a handful and is attracted to my gadgets (netbook, iphone, etc). I gave her an old sidekick for her to play. It's too bad I can't use it in Europe (service for them is discontinued) otherwised I would've saved good money by purchasing only a SIM card and minutes for 15 Euros. The search goes on!